14 Days 'til Spring 03-06-2023

It is really hard for me to believe that we have two more weeks before we can start saying that spring is here. It already feels like it to me, the birds, the insects, and the plants. I sure hope we don't get any more freezes! I have started using an app that resizes my photos. Evernote kept telling me that I couldn't add all the photos I wanted to. I hope you don't see a major difference. So far nobody has noticed.
Tufted Titmouse
female Northern Cardinal
Poorly framed White-winged Dove
pretty Rose
Miss Olive loves to find something stinky and roll on her back in it. Mr. Vinny was just checking to see what she found.
Crackpot (breakout) Rose
Female Ladder-back Woodpecker
Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Wren
male Northern Cardinal
another Cardinal
same dudude
Look at that face. He does not look like he wants to share with that female House Finch!
male House Sparrow
Mr. Vinny wondering what's going on.
This Mockingbird was singing at the top of my Wildzone tree. The sun was setting, and he was high enough to still have perfect lighting. Unfortunately, I didn't get it focused very well.
When the Mockingbird flew off, these House Sparrows took his place.
I was too far away and tried to get in too close with the zoom. I ruin a lot of shots that way.
I have no clue what this guy is other than cool.
iNat says this is a Green Cloverworm Moth. I don't know for sure.
Overnight, Jared's Redbud tree sprouted tiny branches with leaves.
These look like they should smell wonderful. They don't have a smell.
Rachel and I planted two new Bulbines yesterday to replace the ones that died out from the freeze.
We also planted this beautiful Mexican Heather. Jared said, "I bet they just call it heather in Mexico!"
More roses
I was obsessed with this Lincoln's Sparrow today. There were two of them. But I only got pictures of this one.
I don't see these very often at my house. This may be a first.
He was just sitting on the fence looking to see what other birds were doing on the ground. He never went to the feeders.
He spent a lot of time hopping around the PMP and the base of one of the trees by the aloevera pot.
Is he trying to make a funny face?
That seed looks like a tiny little cigarette.
This guy is perched on that loose branch I talked about before that is just hanging in the tree rocking.
I heard this Bluejay coming from next store. He flashed across my yard and landed on the fence for about 2 seconds.
Our Esperanza (Spanish for hope) is pushing leaves up.
The Blue Mealy Sage has some blossoms coming! This is another of my major bee and butterfly plants.
This is Pumbago. It has beautiful purple/blue flowers. We should try to move it to its own place because the Blue Mealy Sage tends to crowd it.
Miss Olive was keeping an eye on our neighbor's tree. It has a branch that is part of the "Overground Squirrel " highway.
This guy goes from feeder to feeder.
Look at him go!
And now... The most beautiful bird of all... Mr. Woody!
He had a nice long meal today before taking off and flying really far off. I saw him in the sky going across the neighbor's yard and past the road.

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