4 Maples Part 1 07-17-2022

These pictures were taken on the day we arrived. When I tried to transfer them to my laptop, the disk was corrupted. However, I could still see them on the camera. Fortunately, I was able to transfer them over the camera's WiFi to my iPhone.
This is the walkway from the house to the Dry Frio River. The wall in the top of the photo is where the yard begins
These Grass-leaved Rushes lined the banks. I thought they were beautiful.
the Dry Frio
the Dry Frio
the Dry Frio
Homo Sapiens
Dusky Dancer (Argia translata)
Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta)
iNaturalist says this is a Fineleaf Four-nerved Daisy. I do not agree.
Englemann's Pricklypear (Opuntia engelmannii)
Side view of the house
The back of the house with its awesome deck
Coral Bells (Antigonon leptopus)
The road to the gate
The front of the house...
termite tunnels
This barn swallow nest was in the corner of the deck ceiling. The parents continuously fed the babies. If they were on the nest when we walked close, they flew away. But, once we were settled in a chair, they came and went unconcerned. I have better shots coming in the next parts.
I told everyone that this was a Phoebe. I was wrong. It is an almost identical bird called an Eastern Wood-Pewee!
These are axis deer. They are an invasive species that escaped from "exotic game" ranches.
Ladder-backed Woodpecker... There were woodpeckers in the big mesquite tree by the deck most of the time we were there. It alternated between ladder-backed and golden fronted, as if they were on a schedule.
There were a lot of hummingbirds. I really don't know what kind this is.
This is the house from the road.
This awesome classic greets you just after you enter the gates.