Bird Buddy... 12-14-2022

Rachel got me a bird buddy smart feeder that not only alerts me when birds visit the feeder, but also takes their pictures and identifies them. I can also watch the live video feed from anywhere in the world. I am really enjoying learning all about it and seeing what it can do.
Meet Knownasjim's Bird Buddy.
When a bird lands on it, the camera is triggered, much like a Ring doorbell.
This female Northern Cardinal was my very first visitor. This is also the very first picture taken by my Bird Buddy. My mom loved cardinals. I always think of her when I see one.
Visitor #2 was this beautiful male Northern Cardinal.
The third visitor was this White-winged Dove.
Meanwhile, all the other birds were doing there normal thing.
This is one of the two Carolina Wren's that live in the dead tree in the wildzone. They were very active today.
This little beauty is a female Ladder-backed Woodpecker. I kept hoping she would go to the suet ball on the Bird Buddy, but she never did.

I love this shot of an Inca Dove sitting on the back fence watching the other doves eating seeds on the ground.
And, finally, one of the squirrels made an appearance today. He ran the length of the fence, hopped in a tree, and Tarzaned his way to the Neighbor's Tree.