Blanco SP December 2022

Rachel and I went for the 8th annual Pre-Christmas at Blanco State Park. I went looking for birds three times. The first time, it was way to dark. The other times, I just didn't do a good job with them, mostly because they were so far away. Also, the trees are so tall, it is hard for me to shoot from a good angel. I think I need to book a week at this park and really work at improving my skills in this situation. Anyway, the few that I liked enough to share with you are posted here.
Rachel was walking across the river. I tried to get a good shot, but she was walking so fast I couldn't get things adjusted in time.
The Blanco River
Possumhaw growing by the river.
I love this cyprus tree.
Looking up river...
The pavilion built by the CCC
The park bridge that crosses the river and leads to the camping areas
chubby little Mocking Bird
American Robin They were everywhere!

Cedar Waxwing

Great Blue Herron It was across the river and sort of hunched over. I wasn't even sure what it was.
non-native Egyptian Geese
female Northern Cardinal
male Northern Cardinal
I love this old ruin. I don't know what it is or was.
I was standing on the Kendalia Road bridge when I took this shot.

Gold-fronted Woodpecker
Two for the price of one!
Downy Woodpecker