Colores del verano... 09-01-2023

Welcome to September. The shots on this post were taken over the last six days.
I actually tasted one of these beauty berries. They have a tart taste, but there are so many little seeds that they aren't that great. I saw a suggestion for making jam or using them in salads or on cakes. No thanks!

You can see how the flame flowers are growing in the Wild Zone. The plant on the left is the baby Lindheimer Senna that came up by itself.

The sun was going down. Miss Olive was sitting in one sunny spot that was surrounded with shade.
Everything looks so golden. In reality, it is a grayish color that happens after the sun bleaches everything out.

The Esperanza in the back yard doesn't have any orange circles and the blossoms are a lot bigger.

We had that one heavy rain while Rachel was gone. Only three rain lilies sprang up. None of them bloomed.
The salvias are doing better now that I water them twice a day.
I think my Mexican Buckeye is a goner. I gave it more and more water. I guess I drowned it. It's so hard to decide if your under watering or over watering!
Jared's oregano is just about taking over. I am going to try and re-pot that pepper plant. It has gotten way too big for the herb garden.

I love these flowers. They hang in clusters and are really tiny little things.
These are such a pretty maroon color in person.
Rachel's Esperanza in the front has orange circles .

This is the new plant that will go where we are removing a dead bush.

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