Combo Post 04-26-2023

This is a blend of yesterday's field trip pictures from Class 48's Ethnobotany Tour of Crownridge Canyon Natural Area and the ones I took in the backyard today.
Pearl Milkweed
curved-bill thrasher
wafer ash
don't remember the kind of fern this is
fourvalve mimosa
cedar waxwings
more cedar waxwings
two-leaf senna
California Digger Bee
California Digger Bee
house sparrow
There were two very active squirrels today. This chubby one was looking to see where Miss. Olive was.
He carefully looked in all directions.
When he was sure she was far enough away, he hopped into the tree and climbed to the ground.
Then he stealthily snuck behind another tree.
Then, he sat there eating seeds under the bird feeder with his eyes on Miss Olive.
Miss Olive just watched him for awhile. Then she charged, and he scurried back up the tree.
house sparrow and northern cardinal
Bye Bye Birdie
It's not polite to spit!
Another attack of the squirrel.
carpenter bee
carpenter bee
carpenter bee
carpenter bee
nearly wild rose
western honey bee (AKA European honey bee)
checkered white
sweet indian mallow
rain lilly
wildflowers in the very back of the Wildzone