Confluence Park Field Trip 09-27-2022

Alamo Area Master Naturalist class 47 went to Confluence Park to learn all about the San Antonio River Authority's efforts to restore and preserve nature along the San Antonio River. I was blown away by the diversity of living creatures there.
Powdered Dancer (damselfly)
Gulf Fritillary
Northern Mockingbird
Dusky Dancer (damselfly)
Black Setwing
Guinea Paper Wasps
Dotted Roadside-Skipper on a passion flower
Fringed Passionflower (Passiflora ciliata)
Honey bee on a passion flower
Trumpet Vine
Gulf Fritillary on Flame Acanthus
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Common Checkered-Skipper on an unknown yellow flower
Maximilian Sunflower
Silver Bluestem
Fringed Passion Flower
Black Saddlebags
Alamo Vine
Bur Oak
Snowy Egret
Tie Vine
Dotted Roadside-Skipper on a Tie Vine blossom
Sweet Indian Mallow
Pond Slider
Neotropic Cormorant I watched this bird grab that stick and float under a bridge for about 30 yards carrying it in its mouth.
Same bird. Same stick. Building a nest?
Diamondback Watersnake
Look at that cute little face!
Differential Grasshopper
Differential Grasshopper
Powdered Dancer
Queen butterfly on Poverty Weed