Day 2 CCSP Part 2 02-10-2023

A much better photo of the Pyrrholuxia than yesterday's.
Green Jay
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Green Jay
Red-winged Blackbirds
Cowpen Daisy
This is the trail head down to the lake. Evidently, they have created a swimming area down there.
I'm not sure is this is a juvenile male Northern Cardinal or a female.
The trail down to the lake is actually an old road from the town of Calliham before the lake was built.
Nope... Don't think I want to swim there.
male Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Green Jays
male Northern Cardinal
Rock Dove
Notice that it has no spots like a mourning dove and no wing stripe like a white-winged dove.
Green Jay
There was one Blue Jay that made several appearances in the blind. Ben Horstman was surprised by it, as he hadn't seen one in the area.
Green Jays