Day 3 CCSP 02-11-2023

Well today was the actual day of the Birdfest. My assignment was to man the Bird Sanctuary with Ranger Sam. I helped fill the bird feeders and hang oranges on nails. I decided that most of my photos would be taken with the Canon Rebel. The turkey shots, however, where taken with my usual Canon Powershot. They are yellowish due to the early morning sunshine. I did not try to fix that in editing.
There was a flock of turkeys standing in the field right in front of my truck when I pulled in to the parking lot for the Birdfest. I was the first one to show up. As more people came, they gradually moved across the field. Check out the coloration on that gobbler! This was almost a magical experience for me.

Here they have moved away a bit.
This buck was also standing in the field. This will seem crazy, but he almost seemed as if he was guarding the turkeys.
Now, they are way across the field. Notice how they are with the deer.
Green Jay
Green Jays

Green Jay
This stinker grabbed one of my orange halves in his teeth, ripped it off the nail, and scampered up into the tree to eat it.
White-crowned Sparrow
Northern Cardinal (either a juvenile male or a female)
Green Jays
Green Jay
Green Jay
Green Jay
White-crowned Sparrow
I think this is a female White-crowned Sparrow. She seemed to appear every time the male was near.
Red-winged Blackbird
I think this is a female White-crowned Sparrow. She seemed to appear every time the male was near.

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