Government Canyon Bird Walk 05-26-2023

I went on a fantastic bird walk in the Kallison Unit of Government Canyon State Natural Area. It was led by Master Naturalist Derrick Simms and sponsored by the Bexar County Audubon Society. We hike up to where I usually go to check the cowbird traps. I took some nice shots, but I was rushed a bit, and didn't get everything I wanted. Oh well.
Off we go...
SHHH There's a bird up there.

Summer Tanager refusing my request for a decent shot
Skipper on thistle
An amazing spider
female Northern Cardinal
Another Summer Tanager
dusky wing butterfly and a scarab beetle
Question Mark Butterfly

Carolina Chickadee

robber fly

lark sparrow in flight
female Northern Cardinal and a Lark Sparrow
Pollinators love poppies!

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