GRSP Part 2 08-09-2022

Tuesday afternoon... This afternoon, I reversed the order and went to the old blind first. I didn't see anything of interest but a funny-looking dove, so I painfully walked down the stairs to the river. The water is at the lowest point I have ever seen. I took a few shots before climbing the stairs and getting back to the truck. I drove out to the new blind, but the water was turned off, so there weren't a lot of birds. I did get some photos though.
This is the funniest looking White-winged Dove I have ever seen. Molting can really be interesting.
As you can see, the river is super low.
The water is about three-four inches deep and is not flowing much, if at all.
There are a few pockets with a little bit deeper water. They really need rain here, just like the rest of Central Texas.
I parked at a different trailhead and took a different trail to the new blind...
The blind as seen from the trail.
A closer view of the blind...
beautiful sky...
Pretty view from the front of the blind...
Carolina Chickadee...
Carolina Chickadee
male Lesser Goldfinch
male Lesser Goldfinch
Okay... I keep looking at this and trying to figure out what I am seeing. I know that it is a Field Sparrow. It looks like there are two of them in the picture, but there are no legs or feet for the one in back. Is it deformed? I didn't notice this till I got it on the computer. I wish I had other shots of it.
Another Field Sparrow...
Field Sparrows
Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Chickadee
Northern Cardinal, probably a molting female
Northern Cardinal, probably a molting female
Northern Cardinal, probably a molting female
male Lesser Goldfinch
male Lesser Goldfinch