GRSP Part 3 08-10-2022

Wednesday Morning... I hiked over to the new blind, but the water was turned off, so there weren't many birds this morning. I was talking to Rachel on the phone about her Yahoo account when suddenly a few started coming in. I was just telling Rachel that I was going to leave when the Summer Tanager came in. He was the last one, so I headed over to the other blind for awhile. It was pretty active. Most of them were Northern Cardinals in different stages of molting or maturing.
The trail to the new blind...
Field Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal... I would guess it is a molting female.
Female Lesser Goldfinch
Summer Tanager
Summer Tanager
Northern Cardinal at the old blind...
I really don't like feeder shots that much. But this cage feeder is awful. It looks like they are captive, but they can come and go.
There are more cardinals ground feeding than usual.
This Orchard Oriole was a pleasant surprise.
I love this shot. They come and go so fast that I almost never get them in focus.
This is a female Orchard Oriole. She kept coming back. I probably have too many photos of her posted here.
White-winged dove
a raggedy looking Northern Cardinal
White-winged dove
Female Orchard Oriole
Female Orchard Oriole
White-winged doves getting a drink...
Female Orchard Oriole
Female Orchard Oriole
This sad-looking creature is an Indigo Bunting. It is either a juvenile or molting.
He even looks more pitiful in the caged feeder.
For a second there, he seemed to be having a panic attack.
Here he is all calm again. You can imagine how pretty he is in full plumage.
Female Orchard Oriole
This is the little trail to my picnic table and tent pad.
Starboard side of the Colby 2.0 all set up in site # 76.
Here is a port side view.