I Spy... 09-07-2023

I started watering these salvias twice a day. They bloomed out again. In a normal summer, natives like these should not need that much water. That is the hardest thing for me. Am I watering enough? Am I watering too much? Both will cause the plant to look sickly and not produce blooms.
I tried one of these berries. They aren't for me. Too much grittiness. I'll leave them for the critters.
These flaming acanthus bushes are still producing flowers. I see hummingbirds on them every day.

This is a wild flower related to morning glories. On this day, it was the only blossom in the Wild Zone.
Every time I think the Pride of Barbados is over, it gets more blooms. I am watering it extra, too.
Look at all the buds!

I increased the water on our crepe myrtle and it is blooming out again. I am hoping for rain next week so that they get some healthy minerals.
This has about run its course for the season. The leaves and stems are starting to turn golden.
I watched a HUGE bumble bee going in and out of this blossom. I never got a shot. Dagnabit!
This little creep kept sneaking onto my feeder ring and munching out. Olive would chase him back to the neighbor's. Then 10 minutes later, there he was again. I caught him trying to sneak over in this shot.
This guy was just sitting in the shade trying to be cool.
Same with this one.

This one was feeding on the ground.

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