KSP Part 1

These are the only shots from an entire day of shooting that did not get corrupted on the disk. It was a beautiful cool day in Kerrville. It was Thursday, October 6, the first full day of my first camping trip after a long two months. I wish I had offloaded the disk that night, but I was too tired. Something happened the next day to ruin it.
Pipevine Swallowtail
Another Pipevine Swallowtail
bumble bee
bye bye bumble bee
The Guadalupe River in the park. I got some great photos of fish swimming around the rocks, but they are some of the ones that got destroyed.
Who says Texas doesn't have fall colors? This is a beautiful Virginia Creeper showing that we do.
This is the back of Headquarters.
I stood in front of the headquarters for at least a half hour taking shots of bumble bees and hummingbirds. They were swarming all over the landscaping. This is the one photo that survived.