KSP Part 4

Since my SD card got corrupted and messed up a lot of my shots from both Thursday and Friday, I decided to go back to the butterfly garden. I am really glad I did. I really like some of these.
Variegated Fritillary
Sleepy Orange Butterfly
Variegated Fritillary
Fiery Skipper
Gulf Fritillary
Common Buckeye
This is a Beelzebub Bee Killer actually killing a bee. It was huge.
Megachile policaris
Gray Hairstreak
Sphex lucae
Sleepy Orange
This is that bee killer. He flew up in the air and did circles around the garden carrying his victim. Then, suddenly the victim fell loose and flew away. This guy went and rested on this pole.
This is a broom moth larvae hanging by a thread.
A Ceraunus Blue and a Gray Hairstreak
Variegated Fritillary
Sleepy Orange Butterflies
Fiery Skipper
Common Checkered Skipper