miércoles segunda parte 02-08-2023

The weather finally cleared up around 1:00 PM. I went out several times to take pictures once everything was a little drier. I ended up with more photos to post than Evernote allows in one note, so I broke them into two parts. None of these are spectacular. Unfortunately, I only saw Woody in the morning when it was still raining.
This female House Finch looks more like an angel!
Lesser Goldfinch
male (on the right) and female House Sparrow
House Sparrow
Inca Doves
Party at the feeder!
Assorted sparrows
Make room for me Cardinal. I'm coming in for a landing!
This is such a great look at the sparrow’s beautiful wings.
This is that branch I mentioned in the first part.
more sparrows
Orange-crowned Warbler
female House Finch
European Starling
Miss Olive
Orange-crowned Warbler
Carolina Chickadee
feeding frenzy
Even the sparrows like to munch on suet.
male House Sparrow
female Cardinal
Sleepy White-winged Dove
Just when I was about to go in the house, I heard some Cedar Waxwings coming in.
Dove butt, and Cedar Waxwings
White-winged Dove