Monday at Choke Canyon 05-08-2023

This was my last full day at Choke Canyon. The weather was much better than Sunday's. I went to the bird blind for about an hour in the afternoon and caught several birds I had not seen yet on this trip.
This shot was taken through John Lack's windshield. We were on our way to 75-Acre Lake.
White Ibis
White Ibis
The jetty trail is just a mowed area of the land around the lake.
Four-spotted Pennant
White Ibis on the left and White-faced Ibis on the right
Both of the white ones are the same species. Not sure why the beaks are different.
Great White Egret
White Ibis X Two
A better shot of them. Even their legs are a different color.
Male and female Blue-winged Teal
Four-spotted Pennant
Small area of the lake at the end of the trail
Texas Soldier Beetle
American Coot
Another Great White Egret
American Coot
Green Heron
Green Heron
John says the squirrel was getting his meal and yoga in at the same time.
They are sooooooooo cute!
Bronzed Cowbird
The top bird is a red-winged blackbird. He just doesn't have much red. The other is a female brown-headed cowbird.
Yellow Warbler
female yellow-headed blackbird
female yellow-headed blackbird
female yellow-headed blackbird
female yellow-headed blackbird
cute little guy
Green Jay
Bronze Cowbird
Northern Cardinal
bronze cowbird
bronze cowbird
bronze cowbird and grackle
bronze cowbird and grackle
bronze cowbird
bronze cowbird
Yellow Chat
Yellow Chat
Yellow Chat
Female Grackle
The two on the right were squabbling.
White-tipped Dove
Yellow Chat
Blue Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak
California Digger Bee
California Digger Bee
California Digger Bee
California Digger Bee
California Digger Bee
This was the only male painted bunting I saw down there.
He was only at the water featured for about twenty seconds.
He dove down and took a bath, but I couldn't see him down there.
This is the same blue grosbeak after his bath.
I love the contrasting colors.
I think he saw me!
I think it is funny how he holds his wings back.
This was my last glimpse of the Bullock's Oriole.
I usually don't bother with White-winged Doves since I see so many at home. But this one was super pretty!

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