Mulch Ado About Nothing 03-10-2023
I bought our mulch yesterday, and Rachel took it from the truck and spread it in the front landscaping. Today was my turn in the back of the house. Now, I am sitting in the loft feeling old and decrepit. My fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders are all achy. I'd blame it on getting older, but it is more about being so out of shape.
I took several breaks today while spreading the mulch in the backyard landscaping. Every year, it seems I get a little slower. Today was a beautiful cool and breezy day for doing work outside. Don't get me wrong... I still hate it. |
Rachel passed a garage sale on her walk this morning. She bought that beautiful old blue wheelbarrow for me. It is rusty, the wood is splintery, the screws all need tightening, and the tire is a little flat. But, what do you expect for $10. I love it. If we don't use it enough, we can turn it into a flower box. |
The mulch is guaranteed to keep its color for 12 months. It really doesn't, but it is guaranteed too. Oh well... |
Any day now, this cactus will be covered in blooms! |
I know this Cardinal knows I am taking a picture! |
This one was so pretty that I took about 15 shots. This was my favorite. |
Jared's Redbud tree has even more leaf branches on it. Some of the blossoms have already darkened and withered a bit. It makes me sad how fast some of our spring natives' blooms come and go. |
I need to catch Woody and take him to a psychotherapist. I think he has multiple personalities. Today, he thought he was a dove! |
I'll tell you... I loved my Grandmother's parakeet. But seeing him everyday in his cage never gave me as much joy as watching Woody. |
The way the birds all attach that seed cake makes me want to nibble on one. It looks like the bird version of a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut Bar. |
Mr. Cardinal likes it, too. |
Such a pretty bird. She looks hand painted. |
There were several Starlings out today. They didn't seem to squabble as much as usual. |
Okay... I admit that I would not like to have a loud messy flock of Grackles in my trees pooping all over the place. But, I don't mind a few at a time. They are absolutely gorgeous. Too bad the iridescence doesn't show up in the shots. |
Another of my favorites. I am in love with these tiny little Inca Doves. |
It is really entertaining watching the White-winged doves trying to land on the feeder. When they take off, it spins around like a merry-go-round and the other little birds get flung off. |
Look at the coloration on this White-winged Dove. Simply amazing! |
I took about 100 shots like this today. I was hoping to capture the moment when they all fly off, but never did. |
Woody really likes this feeder when it is nearly empty and all the bigger seeds that he doesn't want have been taken. He comes in and does clean up. |
This Cardinal always looks gray to me. I don't know if he is special or just in a certain plumage stage. |
Aren't her little toes the cutest thing ever? |
Look at that mouth going after those seeds! |
I love this shot! He looks like he has a three-piece beak. That's a sunflower seed in there |
I am so so happy to see signs of my bees coming back. This was late in the day, so zooming in makes the shot too grainy. Sorry. |
He is black and shiny. I think he is a Carpenter Bee. |
This is a little bit better of him in flight. |