Saturday at Choke Canyon 05-06-2023
It was a very warm and HUMID day today. I got up early to meet anyone who came for the hike at 8:00 by mistake. I went ahead and hiked the trails a little to see more of what I should point out at 11:00 when the actual hike took place.
When I went to the trailhead at 8:00 AM, this greeting party was there to welcome me. |
Turkey Vulture on the left... Black Vulture on the right |
Driving to the trailhead, I saw a total of 13 bunnies. There was a group of 4 of them that were probably new babies from the same litter. |
Turkey Vulture |
Another look at the vultures. They are in that Athel Tamarisk tree I usually post when I come here. |
There's the trailhead for the Emperor's Run Trail. We took that as part of my nature hike. |
Horrible shot, I know, but I really love these Vermillion Flycatchers. A man pulling his boat nearly hit the curb and the squeal of his brakes sent this guy flying. |
I could hear that awful shrill dog-whistle call of Cedar Waxwings. Sure enough they were in the tree near me. |
This is a SEVERELY lightened photo so your could see them. |
They look like fierce warriors. |
75-Acre Lake |
another view of the lake |
Flatsedge |
Other side of the lake. That is where I saw and heard an alligator swimming across the lake once. |
Assorted water fowl on a dead tree in the lake |
The white one is a snowy egret. |
The reeds just about swallow the lake. They drain the lake a bit and clean it out every once in a while. |
American Coots |
Four-spotted Pennant |
Four-spotted Pennant |
Four-spotted Pennant |
You can actually see headquarters from 75-Acre Lake. |
Inca Dove |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher They were all over the place. |
Texas Vervain |
Anacahuita (Texas Olive) |
Anacahuita (Texas Olive) |
Barn Swallow |
Red-cracking Bolete |
Climbing Milkweed Vine |
Bordered Patch on Texas Lantana |
Halloween Pennant |
Gulf Fritillaries |
Long-billed Thrasher |
Long-billed Thrasher |
Long-billed Thrasher |
Hackberry Butterfly |
Climbing Milkweed Vine in bloom |
Cactus Chimney Bee |
Texas Persimmon |