The neighbor's pistache tree has started getting berries already.
 Jared's oregano is taking over the herb garden. I need to start harvesting and drying it.
 Jared's rosemary is also doing well. I should mention that everything in the herb garden is from last year. The oregano and rosemary survived the freeze. The basil just sprouted new plants.
 I munch on the basil whenever I go out there. It is delicious. I have used some in cooking.
 No! You have not seen this wasp before. I asked him and he said it was his first visit.
 The hummingbirds love the flame acanthus.
 This is some variety of sage. It doesn't have many blossoms. Like everything else, it is stressing in the unusual heat.
 I have no idea what this is. Pictures 8 - 13 are from Rachel's front landscaping.
 I don't know this one either.
 I think I knew what this was, but I can't remember.
 I don't know what this is. These blossoms are TINY.
 They kind of remind me of the orchids at the botanical garden. Not because they look like orchards, but the way the blossoms hang on the plant.
 This is turk's cap. I wish the flower on the right wasn't in the sun. It washed out the color.
 We have had our share of ugly cardinals this year. This one isn't very pretty, but it is not one of the ugly ones. All the birds are stressing in the heat, as well. You can see it wearing hard on them.
 I like when the Inca doves do the feather duster thing. It must make them cooler.
 This sparrow was hiding in the shade. I've mentioned before that birds hang their mouths open in the heat. It is the avian version of panting.
 This dove was also trying to hide in the shade. Sometimes, they lay on the ground with their wings open funny. They look dead, but sudden'y resuscitate when the dogs get too close.
 I think house sparrows are gorgeous. This is a female.
 This is the first Carolina wren I've seen in a long while.
 He was hanging out on the PMP for a pretty long time today.
 The birds are all over the two bird baths. These Inca doves are really skittish when drinking.
 I have been seeing a parakeet recently. I thought it was Woody, but it was a female when I saw my pictures. I put this seed ring out because I know how mush Woody liked it.
 These ladies look like they are having a great dinner conversation.
 The coloration of this house sparrow seems different to me.
 The last of the Mo'seedkins!