Tree Take Down Day 05-25-2023

Well... I knew that my dead tree in the wildzone was going to come down one day soon and wipe out my fence. I called a tree trimmer to come and give me an estimate to remove that one and another dead one in front. He ended up offering me package that included taking three dead trees down, trimming an additional four trees, and hauling off all the remains. I knew it was a fantastic price, so I shook his hand to seal the deal. He came with two other fellas today and got the job done in only two hours. Everything looks great. I kept a lot of the trunk pieces in the Wildzone, even though he looked at me like I was crazy. I want the bugs to come and break them down over the next decade and provide more insect food for my birdies. Sadly, as you will see in a photo below, my precious Mexican buckeye tree did not make it. I am kicking myself for not pointing it out and saying, "Please, be careful with this little tree." They were so careful with my landscaping. I know they would have watched out for it. Oh well, you live and learn.

This is the Wildzone before the tree was cut down. I loved the tree. Birds were always roosting at the top.
This is after. I will eventually relocate the trunk pieces around the Wildzone.
This tree by the patio was a volunteer. It is not a tree I want as a Master Naturalist. But, It is the only shade for the patio. Whenever the wind blew, it knocked on my bedroom window.
This is much better. The shade is still there, but nothing is touching the house.
He offered to trim the branches on this tree, as well.
I didn't think it was necessary.
I can kind of see the difference.
This is all that's left of my precious little Mexican buckeye tree. I feel so guilty about it. I could have told him to be careful of it. I'm sure it looked like a tall weed to him.
Meanwhile... Spring keeps happening. These will soon be magnificent Pride of Barbados blossoms.
This is the nearly wild rose bush.
I didn't realize what I had captured until I saw it on my computer. That one bug murdered the fly and is consuming it! I would feel bad for the fly, but there are way too many this year. I hope that killer has friends.
This is my favorite rose bush. Notice the yellow, white, coral, pink, and two-tone roses all growing on the same plant. It reminds me of those magical candles my mama would burn in an old Chianti bottle.
Red roses
First flowers on my new American Beauty Berry plant
The yucca bloomed out again.

Mr. Vinny is 100% back to normal. Of course, that was never really normal to begin with!

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