Low Bid Lane 01-10-2024

While the rest of the country seems to be suffering the ill effects of harsh winter storms, San Antonio is enjoying sunny skies. Our days have been breezy, but warm enough to wear a t-shirt and shorts and go for a walk. Since I had to wait at the house for the guys to install our new zone system motherboard so we can have some heat this winter, I did not get to the gym or the Botanical Garden. Instead, I took a nice 2.5 mile hike on Low Bid Lane. That's the road that we have used for exorcise ever since moving into our house back in 1988. It is largely undeveloped, although there have been some changes. I used to ride Jared in a baby seat on my bike. He called it "the Far Highway".

Last year I walked on January 10th and got amazing pictures of hawks, other birds, insects, and flowers. Today, there was very little out there. Just the same, my brain got that buzzing feeling for a few sites that I did stop and take pictures of. This collection is a hodgepodge of nothing. I hope you enjoy it. I sure got a kick out of taking these shots.

This is the back of the house N2S lives in.

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