Visitors and Such... 10-27-2023

This kid is so stinking cute!
Woody brought this fella with him today.
Woody stayed on the Smart Feeder, so I didn't get his photo.

Look at all these peppers! This second harvest will be better than the first. After that, I am going to put this into a big pot.
The basil is pretty as ever.
These are baby Lindheimer Senna plants. This year, I am going to put them in pots and bring them in during cold weather. There were about 15 of these last year and all but one died in the first freeze!
This is some kind of sorrel. It is taking over in the back yard. I like it, so it stays.
Got lots of bees on the Bulbane. We now have two full plants with lots of flower stems.

MIss Olive would not pose for me today.
This is the last remnant of our Mexican Sage plant.

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