Wet and Wild 12-02-2022

Well it was another dreary/drizzly day today. Somehow the camera makes it look like much nicer weather than I was seeing in reality. It was damp and cool out on the patio. When the wind blew, leaves and leftover rain fell on me. The birds didn't seem to care. Then, all of a sudden, they all disappeared when a beautiful hawk came to eat them.
Cooper's Hawk... He scared off all the other birds. I have seen them chasing other birds. I hope he didn't get Woody.
female Northern Cardinal
Crested Titmouse

Male Northern Cardinal

Eastern Phoebe... First time I've seen one of these in the yard for a while. I've heard them the last few days.

Male Golden-fronted Woodpecker... It has been a while since I've seen the woodpeckers, as well.

Female Golden-fronted Woodpecker

It was a bit of a shock to see him so close to the feeder. He is perched where the other birds usually line up to wait for their turn to get some seeds. I see them dip down to the bushes outside the fence a lot. This guy spent a lot of his time looking down there

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