Where's the Rain? 04-18-2023

It was supposed to rain all afternoon today. It didn't! We had some wind, but, overall, it was a really nice day.
Anomoea rufifrons occidentimutabilis
Common sooty wing
Texas Long-horned Bee
my only surviving Agarita plant
Texas native Lantana
Jared's new crop of dill
These roses grow more like corsages than individual blossoms.
I simply CANNOT capture the red color of a rose no matter how hard I try.
another corsage-like bloom out
Jared's Redbud tree
Olive wants this to be her chew toy!
I almost missed the first blooms of the Plumbago. It was covered by the Mealy Blue Sage.
Nearly Wild Rose
Mister Vinnie on the prowl!
Well... Maybe he's just standing there like he's lost.
This isn't the greatest shot. I took it from the patio.
Bronzed Cowbird
Those red devil eyes are amazing. I wish this were sharper.
Male Northern Cardinal on ground cleanup duty