Window to Spring... 03-20-2023
Today may be the first day of spring, but it sure didn't feel or look like it outside. I thought I heard rain and went to the patio doors to check. It wasn't raining. I think the wind was making a tree branch lightly tap somewhere. Anyway, while looking out, I saw one solitary Mourning Dove eating the seeds under the feeder. Miss Olive was sitting at my feet, so I knew I couldn't sneak out for a photo. Instead, I went to the dining room window. I ended up standing there for a while taking pictures. What I am posting today are all "through a dirty window" shots that have been reduced by 50% and had their contrast, saturation, and sharpness adjusted. Don't zoom in too close, because they will get really pixilated.
![]() This is the first Mourning Dove I have ever seen in my backyard. I have seen them in the neighborhood, but not in the yard. He was later joined by about three more. I noticed that he was really aggressive when other birds came to feed. He ran off some cardinals and white-winged doves. He tried to run Woody off, but he squawked, lifted his wings, and charged the dove. Gosh, I love that little guy! |
![]() Woody suddenly appeared on one of the feeders. When he saw that it was near empty, he dropped to the ground. |
![]() Woody was quite at home with the other birds. None of them, including this much larger white-winged dove, intimidate him. |
![]() I know Woody prefers the feeders. But today was a designated clean up day. There is more than enough bird seed on the ground thanks to the messy eating habits of the birds looking for a certain seed. |
![]() This little female House Sparrow was just chilling in the tree. |
![]() There was one Inca Dove out there today. |
![]() Okay... This shot shows all three varieties of doves that are in my area. Going clockwise from the tiny guy at the bottom, they are an Inca Dove, a Mourning Dove, and a White-winged dove. |
![]() There were some Titmice out there, too. |
![]() He's banging his seed on the branch to open it up. |
![]() Couldn't resist taking some shots of this pretty male Northern Cardinal. |
![]() This is the same guy. I watched him change perches. |