Windy Day at the Lake 04-29-2023

I got to accompany AAMN training class #48 on their birding field trip to Mitchell Lake with Tom and Patsy Inglet. They are the couple that got me into birding back when I was a trainee. It was a beautiful, but extremely windy, day. I actually used the chin strap on my hat for the first time ever. We saw lots of birds, 36 species, I believe. Of course, I don't have pictures of all of them. But, as usual, I saw a lot of things that nobody else did.
These beautiful native wild sunflowers had totally taken the gardens over. I had thought about putting some in my Wildzone, but people warned me that they would do this.
They are really pretty.
This Northern Cardinal was in the trees near the opening presentation singing his heart out.
I saw lots of hummingbirds perched around the visitor's center. This is the only photo I got with a glint of light in the eye. The profile shots were too dark.
Can you spot my little friend on the petal?
This is Retama (Palo Verde). The wind was blowing and making the leaves wave like a flag. There's a better example of that down below.
This is one of the hackberry Emperors.
American Avocet
Blue-winged Teal You can't see the blue unless the wings are a little bit more opened.
Variegated Meadowhawk
wasp nest
Rambur's Forktail
Snowy Egret
Tawny Emperor
Hackberry Emperor
White-lined Sphinx caterpillar
Spiny Softshell
Checkered White
Spiny Softshell
This turtle was MASSIVE. This is zoomed in from across the lake. He must have had a shell about 2 feet long! I believe it is a Texas Coot.
Heart Leaf Hibiscus
iNaturalist says this is a Cactus Coreid Bug, but none of the samples in the app have these bright red legs.
Checkered White on Indian Blanket
Kern's Flower Scarab
Cactus Coreid Bug nymph
Cactus Coreid Bug nymph
Cactus Coreid Bug nymphs
Cactus Coreid Bug nymphs
Cactus Coreid Bug nymph
Cactus Coreid Bugs
Red Admiral
iNaturalist says this is an orchid bush. It is not an orchid bush.
Bordered Patch
Two Bordered Patches making whoopee!
Sweat Bee
Checkered White
Sunflower Chimney Bee on Texas Thistle
White Prickly Poppy
Out of the thousands of wild sunflowers, this was the only one with flowers so light that they almost looked white.
Honey bee on sunflower